2017 Local Lodge 912 Elections

On Tuesday, November 14, 2017, nominations for IAM Local Lodge 912 will be taken for Executive Offices and Bargaining Committee positions  at our 1:00 and 3:30 PM regularly scheduled meetings.  The election will be held on December 7 in the Union Meeting Room (Building 800, Basement Column C-9).  Polls will be open from 6:00 AM until 6:00 PM.  Offices and positions are for three year terms.

In order to accept a nomination, the following criteria must be met (per IAM Constitution and LL912 Bylaws): Nominations must come from the floor by a member in good standing (and members may nominate themselves); a nominee must be a member in good standing (all fines, fees, and assessments are fully paid and not currently delinquent on dues) for at least one (1) year by November 14; a nominee must have attended at least 50% of the regularly scheduled meetings.  You may also accept a nomination if you provide a letter to the Recording Secretary (Scott Huentelman) prior to the November 14 meeting, stating that you will accept a nomination for that particular office.

This information will be sent by US Mail to our members, or you can see the information here: 2017 LL912 Election Information